Which is the major impact that a sustainable production has brought to the people working in your organisation?
[Sally, Meru Herbs - Kenya]: Organic Farming and use of renewable energy (Solar) for processing....
Which feature do you find particularly valuable about fair trade products?
[Sally, Meru Herbs - Kenya]: Fair Trade products respect the Environment, Direct benefit to producers, Gender Equality....
Is there someone in particular that has taught you about responsible living? Do you have a role model?
[Sally, Meru Herbs - Kenya]: Yes, Andrew Botta, the founder of Meru Herbs Kenya. He had a vision to...
What is your idea of sustainability and what does it imply?
[Sally, Meru Herbs - Kenya]: Sustainability refers to the capability of people co- existing with the earth with specific...
What is your CORE memory of the YPSE project?
[Sally, Meru Herbs - Kenya]: The project in general, which seeks to engage the youth in Fair Trade; the great friendships and precious memories formed during the YPSE....